We Take 5 with our new Client Liaison, Kerry

Meet another friendly face behind the scenes at Tasbuilt Homes!

Tell us a bit about yourself

I’m married with two adult children, and I have two adorable ‘light of my life’ British bulldogs!

My hobbies are spending time with my husband, reading, walking, kayaking, and mountain bike riding – well I have a mountain bike and I ride it, just not on the slopes. I also like taking my dogs to the park and catching up with my children. Don’t hold it against me, but my husband and I moved from QLD to Tassie in 2019 – a long held dream of ours to permanently relocate, and we have fallen completely in love with Tassie and the relaxed lifestyle.

What motivates you every day?

Firstly, coffee. Lots and lots of coffee! And going for a walk every afternoon with my husband.

Here at work, what motivates me is learning the job well, doing the job well, understanding all the elements and complexities of this role, and then putting my learning into practice to assist our clients in having a beautiful functional home at the end of their journey with us.

Where do you see Tasbuilt Homes in 5 years?

I see Tasbuilt continue to be at top of their game, with lots of beautifully crafted homes completed right across Tassie. I also see them as being a well-known and respected building company recognised for their innovative commercial buildings, and the go-to builder for beautiful functional rural homes.

What is the best and worst thing about being a client liaison?

The best thing about being a client liaison is working with the clients and assisting them to bring their vision to fruition. I enjoy being the conduit that links the client to us as their chosen builder to assist them in bringing their dream home up out of the ground.

The worst thing about being a client liaison is that you need a really good memory to keep up with all the ongoing changes, but I’m learning lots of ways to keep up with everything.

Your role would have its challenges. What’s your strong point in handling the pressure?

My strong point in handling pressure is being able to communicate with others in the office to sort issues out and resolve them quickly. I’m not afraid to ask a question no matter how silly it might seem, so I can gather the information I need to sort things out.

Another strong point I have is being able to shake the day off at the end of the day – tomorrow’s a new day!

And just for fun

If you were stranded on an island, and could only have three things with you, what would they be?

My husband – He’s my best mate and his skill set would keep us fed, warm and sheltered.

My dogs – They are the light of my life, and I couldn’t live without them – but don’t tell my children. They already think I spoil them too much.

Coffee – Lots and lots of coffee.

You might think a satellite phone would be a great idea, but if my husband and I were lost on an island I’m not too sure we’d want to be found 😊

You’re a crayon in a box, what colour would you be and why?

Navy Blue

It’s in my colour wheel and I love the way it looks on me. I always feel well dressed in this colour and it’s the one colour that brings out the blue/green in my eyes.


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