Supplier Profile - Deloraine Carpet Centre

Tasbuilt are proud to introduce you to - Deloraine Carpet Centre - one of our great team of suppliers!

Del Carpet

Tell us a little bit about DCC and the products you offer?

Deloraine Carpet Centre is a locally owned and operated independent flooring store.

With a large range of carpets hybrids laminates timbers and rugs on offer and strong focus on customer satisfaction.

What is your top piece of advice for a client selecting floor coverings for their new home?

My top piece of advice for someone selecting flooring for their new home is to consider their location lifestyle and feel they want in their home and match the products best suited to those things.

What are the most interesting trends you have observed over the last little while in the building industry?

The most interesting trends I have noticed is the move away from minimalism and towards a feeling of sanctuary in the home a place you can relax and rest with a feeling of comfort.

This translates to more timber looking products as they ad that feeling of warmth and comfort.

What are your top 3 picks for 2020/2021 from the range of products you offer?

The top 3 product picks for the 2020/21 are Metropol hybrid, Belle XL Laminate and the new Eco ranges of carpet.

Tasbuilt is proudly Tasmanian, so we have to ask – what do you love about living and working in Tasmania?

I love the lack of traffic, the fresh air, scenery, feeling of safety and the sense of community that living in Tasmania offers.

Where can our clients learn more about Deloraine Carpet Centre?

Clients can learn more about Deloraine Carpet Centre at our website or by visiting in store at 51 Emu Bay Rd Deloraine.

Polaris coastal Blackbutt
H RIDGE Jarrah 1024x796
HRIDGE Sahara Dune
Legacy Morington Oak
LVP LL Sierra Frost ROOM
APOLLO wreath
Apolloxl 720 reclaimedoak 0
Apollo xl 540 natural fumed oak landscape 0
Polaris coastal Blackbutt
H RIDGE Jarrah 1024x796
HRIDGE Sahara Dune
Legacy Morington Oak
LVP LL Sierra Frost ROOM
APOLLO wreath
Apolloxl 720 reclaimedoak 0
Apollo xl 540 natural fumed oak landscape 0


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