5 minutes with Mitchell Cunningham

Mitchell has recently joined the office team at Tasbuilt as Production Support...welcome Mitchell!

Tell us a little about yourself

I am the third youngest of the Tasbuilt team at 20 years old and currently live only 15 minutes from our office (which helps when I find myself running late ?).

My interests are fairly basic including AFL football, casual fishing and drinking with mates, and I enjoy travelling through the countryside – something I miss now I am stuck behind a computer.

You have recently left school, which subject was your favourite and why?

Weirdly enough, I really enjoyed science and studied the subject until my last year of school, in which I completed Chemistry level 4. I never topped the class, but something about understanding how things are made up and how they work intrigued me.

Has this helped you in your current position at Tasbuilt?

In some ways it has I guess, mostly in the way of understanding, because I always want to know why something works the way it does and how.

How long have you been involved in the building industry?

I have grown up around the business so really, I guess you could say I have been involved in bits and pieces of the industry since I was 13 or 14. However, my main involvement started when I began working for Tasbuilt which is coming up 2 years in November.

What does your role as Production Support for Tasbuilt Homes include?

Headaches … haha 😊

This includes;

  • Ordering
  • Toilet/skip bin hire
  • Helping with production meetings
  • Dealing with suppliers
  • Quality sign offs when required
  • Documents etc. for site teams
  • First aid
  • Also, a little bit of IT support when I can

What do you find most interesting about the role?

As I started my time as a factory worker at Tasbuilt, I worked with all sorts of materials and tools. Coming into the role of production support I began to understand the costs of materials, tools and even labour in some areas. This was very interesting as I had never taken that into account before beginning my new role.

Tell us about one of your most enjoyable moments during your time working for Tasbuilt

For 8 or 9 months of my career I spent on site. This was awesome fun as I was able to help with the completion of the jobs and see the expressions of customers when we would put the house on the piers.

On top of that, being on site meant we could travel to areas of Tasmania we had never been before.

And just for fun…. You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what colour would you be and why?

A crayon? Serious? I can see myself as a very good quality crayon as I would definitely be Australian made. A lime green crayon would be me. Why, I am not 100% sure, but it is a colour I have liked since I was in pre-school and I’m sure I would fit into everyday use well, as a lime green crayon 😊.


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