Built to Lockup… What Does That Mean?

If you’re looking at building a home, chances are your builder may have presented you with a ‘built to lock-up’ or a ‘complete package’ option… these options are very different, but let us explain…

When making a huge step such as building a home, it is important that you are very clear on everything your builder is offering. A ‘built to lockup’ home is essentially a shell comprising sheet flooring, exterior walls, windows, and a roof. The ‘lockup’ definition means the dwelling is safe from the elements and secure from the outside.

One thing to be especially mindful of when purchasing a home at this stage is that it can seem initially a great price but bear in mind there is still a lot to complete on the home to make it liveable – you will have all your plumbing, electrical to run, plaster etc. …the list goes on.

The obvious benefits of purchasing your home to ‘lockup’ are –

  • A great option for anyone with a background in building and construction.
  • For someone who always wanted to build their own home, but is time-poor, this gives you a great start on your project.
  • If you want your interior to be totally ‘DIY’...

Some negatives of the building process are –

  • Hidden costs can be a big problem, and initially, it might seem a great deal, but finishing a home is never a cheap exercise.
  • You will need to have good ‘project management’ skills to line up all the contractors and trades needed to complete the home – this can mean important details get overlooked also.
  • The overall build time can be much more drawn out than your initial idea, especially if using the DIY aspect.

Tasbuilt are happy to complete your home to this stage if that's what you’re after, and it can be a very rewarding project for someone with a hands-on approach and time on their side.

A standard list of inclusions in a Tasbuilt ‘built to lockup’ home are –

  • Engineer designed heavy-duty galvanized steel sub-floor structure
  • 22mm structural flooring, glued and fixed with twist nails
  • 6mm plywood bracing to all external walls and each section, including a double layer through internal joining walls
  • 90x35mm treated pine roof framing
  • 14° roof pitch with ‘Colorbond’ sheeting
  • Full-length eaves
  • Powder-coated aluminum sliding windows (to meet your energy rating requirements) complete with key locks and flyscreens
  • Underfloor insulation to meet your energy rating requirements
  • ‘Colorbond’ cladding in your colour choice
  • Solid panelled front and rear entry doors
  • Plans and specs for council submission
  • 10-year structural warranty with 12 months maintenance period
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Interested in taking this idea further? Call in and discuss with one of our friendly consultants today – phone 1800 639 3910 to have a chat or visit 6 Integrity Drive, Westbury 7303.

We’re looking forward to working with you!


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