Piers 101 – A Guide to Your Modular Homes Foundations

Piers are often not seen at the completion of the project but are the most vital integral part of any construction. They are to endure the life of the house and maintain important structural functions.

Tasbuilt homes are installed often on sloping sites so using steel piers and bracing is the only logical option.

When considering modular piers each project must be taken on its merit as depth and spacings will vary according to the soil engineers report.

The process begins by receiving the soil engineers report which will indicate pier spacing and hole depth, holes will be marked and then bored by an auger, after this process each hole will need to be inspected by a licenced building surveyor before concrete is placed and pier is inserted.

Once the concrete is cured the home is transported and placed on the piers. The piers are strong enough to sustain the modules to be winched into place, and then the chassis is bolted to the pier.

Of course, as with any product used in construction, it is always evolving and the development of the screw pile concept is a space to watch. This involves screwing piles into the ground to a specified engineered tension and then laser set cutting to an accurate height. This innovative concept doesn’t use concrete.

Another feature of a steel pier is it cant be affected by adverse influences such as pests or climate challenges, if we build within 200 metres of broken surf Tasbuilt will galvanise the piers and of course all chassis components.

Dave Groves Photography Southwood Penguin 00005
Dave Groves Photography Southwood Penguin 00001


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